Erica is a dedicated and experienced educator who has worked with students and individuals of all ages and varying abilities. She spent her early years volunteering in an integrated preschool room at a school for children with disabilities. She studied psychology and child development at the University at Buffalo and was given the opportunity to develop a mini-curriculum using American Sign Language for the Early Childhood Research Center. Erica also served as a research assistant at a summer social skills camp at Canisius College for children with autism. She finds herself right at home in the classroom and currently works as a substitute middle school teacher in a local district. Erica's partnership with her first service dog increased her independence and ignited her passion for advocacy on behalf of service dog users and others with disabilities. She currently Chairs the Committee on Disabilities for the Town of Amherst (NY). As Project Assistant, Erica develops content, provides critical review of materials, researches current trends and topics, and assists with training. She strives to make a positive impact empowering others by sharing her experiences in order to raise awareness and promote understanding.