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A trainer centered between six first responders who have completed the training.


The Institute is led by Academic Director Carolyn Shivers, Ph.D, Director of National Advancement David Whalen and an academic advisory board.  The leadership team and its dedicated staff are committed to reducing barriers for individuals with disabilities and educating all sectors on how their actions and understanding can both promote and enhance quality of life for people of all abilities.

David Whalen

IDA Director of
National Advancement

Carolyn Shivers, Ph.D

IDA Academic Director

The Institute is Governed by an academic advisory board.  The Advisory Board includes individuals representing a cross section of organizations who assist and engage with unique disciplines impacted by and for people with disabilities.

  • Special Olympics
  • American Sign Language
  • Special Education
  • Student Ambassadors

"This course is EXCELLENT and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND emergency managers attend the course. The instructor is a true subject matter expert and a great presenter/instructor. I learned so much from the course. Please share this training opportunity with your EMs."

— Stephanie, Emergency Manager at State of Missouri