The Institute on Disability Awareness (IDA) is a holistic training and education center on all aspects of disabilities and issues impacting individuals with disabilities and offered in a sensitive and inclusive higher education and professional development environment. The Institute provides online courses, live training, resources, programs, and solutions for individuals and organizations that fulfills a societal need of improving inclusion, equity, and quality of life for people with disabilities, their families, and the communities they live in.

Break Down Barriers Today — Enroll

Disability Awareness
DA-101 is a prerequisite for the
Advanced Certificate Programs

First Responders
Disability Awareness First Responder
Certificate (FRDA-201)

Human Resources
Disability Awareness Human Resources
Certificate (HRDA-202)

Education Professionals
Disability Awareness Education Professional
Certificate (EPDA-203)

Hospitality Professionals
Disability Awareness Hospitality
Certificate (HPDA-204)

Request a custom
in-person course
Make disability awareness a priority
in your business or organization

Breaking Down Barriers
Through Knowledge
BreakING Down Barriers
Through Engagement

Community Engagement
Advocacy is the pursuit of influencing outcomes — including public policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions — that directly affect people’s current lives.
Your donations provide the Institute on Disability Awareness at Niagara University funding to develop and expand the programs and resources that are needed to help others Break Down Barriers for people with disabilities.

Contact Us
Intentionally foster inclusion. Take a course, sign up for our newsletter, and lend your voice.