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A young black girl showing a colorful drawing to an adult black woman.


The Institute on Disability Awareness recognizes the expansive array of topics that make up the disability community, and the many aspects involved in addressing education and advancing advocacy. This includes organizations by and for and with and about disabled people, associations within and outside the scope of disability supports and services and subject matter experts.

We partner with key stakeholders and organizations that desire to make a difference. Please contact us for more information on what our relationship with these groups means to you. 

The National Emergency Numbers Association The 9-1-1 Association empowers its members and the greater 9-1-1 community to provide the best possible emergency response.

Tourette Association of America Greater New York Chapter is a volunteer led, nonprofit organization supporting the needs of individuals and families affected by Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders.

Modell Consulting Group We teach individuals and teams of any size how to use the FIND Model to effectively communicate and interact with vulnerable populations. 

Deaf Access Services Connecting the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing communities of WNY

World Institute on Disability The World Institute on Disability (WID) advances the inclusion, rights and justice of people with disabilities with the design and delivery of whole community solutions.

Kathy Gruver, PhD - Caring for the Caregiver Stress and Communication Expert. Dr. Kathy Gruver is an internationally recognized speaker and motivational powerhouse. NU IDA promotes Dr. Gruver’s Caring for the Caregiver Training. For more information contact our training office.